Most are indoor games, though some are played outdoors. It’s great for a bit of drama and perfect for getting the gossip on the group! Hesitation works best with players that know each other fairly well so don’t play this one with a group of people you’ve only just met. Pub games games which are or were played in pubs, bars, inns, and taverns, particularly traditional games played in English pubs. Or for something a little more challenging, how about a Buzz Wire drinking game to test your hand-eye coordination Although this may get trickier the more you. Things can get a bit awkward though, depending on who you’re playing with. Two truths and one lie is a daring drinking game and can be exciting for new couples.

A variation to the regular game is you can guess the dialogues from the movie and take a shot every time your partner gets it correct. Hesitation is a great drinking game for small groups and doesn’t require anything except your drinks! So you can play it as easily at a house party as you can on your night out. Nothing else is needed to spice things up.